May 1st to 7th is Mental Health Week. The theme this year is MY STORY. “Collectively and individually, we have multiple layers and stories that make us who we are. Our different, yet equally valuable, stories can be used this year to share one key message: universal mental health care is important and needed now!” - https://www.mentalhealthweek.ca/

Why not come down to Arrowhead Clubhouse on Wednesday 3rd May (11.30 to 1.30pm) to grab a burger and hear about our story – embracing collective decision-making and peer support while providing support to over 300 members, for over 30 years.

Our address is 5554 Inlet Ave, Sechelt… follow the smell of yummy food!

We encourage you to also share your story by using hashtag #MyStory & #MentalHealthWeek to shine a light on your personal journey, a program you offer or use, and how your community supports the mental health of others.

We look forward to hosting you at the 2023 ARROWHEAD OPEN HOUSE.

